You won’t want to miss this

14 May
I was going to save this announcement for last, but frankly I’m not sure if you all actually read my entire posts, so I want to make sure my biggest announcement is right at the top. Julie at Fabulous Blogging has been helping me upgrade my blog. Yep, very, very soon (like VERY soon) I will be found at In fact, consider this my plea to please, please, please head there now and subscribe to the feed (top right where you can input your E-mail). Feel free to add that to a tally of favors I owe you 🙂
Now, for some other news…
Dog Hair Is An Accessory

Adriana at Dog Hair is an Accessory, Carly at The Pinot Project and I are linking up!

The truth comes out when you are no longer putting your best foot forward. Some say it’s getting too comfortable, some say it’s letting yourself go. What things do you or your significant other do behind closed doors now that you have reached that next stage? Don’t let living solo stop you from sharing.  Spill the dirt on an ex or yourself!  Come air your dirty laundry with us on May 29th!

If you aren’t going to link up or don’t blog, comment and let me know what your dirty laundry is- I’ll spill it for you- anonymously if that’s what you prefer!

Also, you may have noticed a new page up there at the top of my blog.


Adriana from Dog Hair is an Accessory, Candice from Just Stay Lovely, LB from LB in Wonderland, Sarah from Limited Space Organizing and I have decided to do #piclove365. We are going to post a picture from every day over the next year.

Check out my page and make sure you see what those lovely ladies are up to as well! Let us know if you decide to join in the fun so we can follow along! And don’t forget to add #piclove365 to your instagram uploads.

Follow along on my instagram!

Versatile Blogger Award

14 May

I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Melissa at Freeing Imperfections! Yay! Thank you!! Can you believe it was two months ago today I started this blog?


The details are pretty simple: 

1. Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post. Done

2. Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post. Done

3. Share seven things about yourself. Getting to it!

4. Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award. I don’t know why I have such a hard time with this- it is too hard to narrow it down!


  • I sometimes think I will quit my job and become an elementary school teacher. Unfortunately, I have to pay my bills in the meantime. 
  • My mom and dad call me Gertrude when I am being bratty or grumpy. I don’t know how this started!
  • My group of best friends from home and I call ourselves the “goats.” This is a whole other post in itself. You know I love my inside jokes!
  • I used to be afraid of the movie ET. I was scared he would stretch his neck up and get me on the top bunk of my bunk bed.
  • I sigh in my sleep. Apparently it can be a little awkward.
  • I still sleep with the teddy bear my dad gave me in the hospital when I was born. So mature.
  • I never had braces but always wanted them. I was so jealous of kids who got to change the color of their bands depending on the season.

Handing it over to:

Okay, I started getting frustrated because I realized the list was getting to the 15 blog limit and I still had more I wanted to include, so I gave up and updated my Let’s Be Friends page instead. If you’re not listed it doesn’t mean I didn’t want you to be on here. It just means I got annoyed and threw up my hands with the whole thing…so just remind me please!

Bottom line, please take the award and run with it.

And please go “like” my new Facebook page! It would make me SO VERY happy!

Checking out of Charleston

13 May
After an exploratory Day One and a wedding-filled Day Two, waking up Sunday morning was sad because it meant our weekend away was coming to a close. My boyfriend was still not feeling well, so I headed out on my own to enjoy some final hours in Charleston.
I had wanted to try a spot called High Cotton so I braved some rain and walked on over. It is funny how more than once people told me someplace was too far to walk and it turned out to be only 20 minutes. One perk to being a city girl!
I am so glad I decided to go despite being on my own. I sat at the bar, chatted with some other folks and enjoyed a Bloody Mary while a live jazz band played to the crowd. I started off with maple bacon doughnut holes and yes, they were as delicious as they sound. I waited for a bit because I couldn’t pick what to have next- too many incredible options! I ended up ordering a crab, goat cheese and asparagus omelet which came with a side of grits. I made the right decision! Long brunches are seriously one of my favorite things and this one only supported that statement.
High Cotton jazz band
By the time I finished my brunch, the rain had subsided and I ventured back out into the city. I walked through the City Market on my way back to the hotel. This is a long stretch of stands selling homemade crafts and local goods. It was fun to see even though I didn’t purchase anything.
City Market
Back to the hotel and then travelled back to reality. These trips are never long enough!

Would you go and explore or eat by yourself?

Kate sig

My mom is better than your mom

12 May

Mom- Bermuda

I knew I wanted to go to college in Florida, but besides craving sunshine, I didn’t have an idea of where in the state to go. My mom decided a road trip was in order. We flew down to Orlando, rented a convertible and drove around the state for a week looking at different schools. I am sure we had tense moments (I was a teenager after all), but all I remember was spending that special week together.

Once I landed at a school, my mom visited more than other students whose parents lived a three-hour drive away. She lived a three-hour flight from me. Everyone loved her visits.

The other day I received some very sad news while I was away in Charleston. The first thing I did was call my mom. I know, I know. I am 30 years old, was out of town with my boyfriend AND it was fairly late on a Saturday night. But, I needed my mom. I don’t think I’ll ever stop needing her. Sorry, Mom!

My mom is my foundation.

My mom has let be who I am. As frustrating as that might be for her sometimes, she supports my decisions and only rings in if she truly thinks I need to reconsider. She is the voice of reason.

She has supported me through heartache and heartbreak. She has packed up the dishes in my kitchen to help me move more times than I’m sure she wants to remember. She unpacks them, too.

I went through a phase where I did not want to be called Kate. I was Katie. When my mom called me Kate one day, I started calling her Mo. It stuck.

When my mom puts her cool hand on my forehead, everything feels better.

On my birthday every year, I could pick whatever I wanted for dinner. I always asked for roast beef, mashed potatoes and carrots. Every single year. And she did it.

She also makes the best spaghetti sauce.

I always swore that when I could, I would find her a house on the water. She found her own this past year.

I’m pretty sure my mom is the best out there. I might be biased though.

I intended this to be a stream of thoughts to help me decide what memory to share of my mom, but I honestly can’t pick just one. Happy Mother’s Day!


Chase me around Charleston

11 May

Day Two in Charleston was just as great as Day One.

It was nice waking up without worrying about an alarm clock. We ordered a room service breakfast and then my boyfriend sent me downstairs to Spa Adagio for a massage while he relaxed some more. After I returned, we headed out for another stroll around Charleston. Unfortunately, the weather did not get the memo on our arrival to town and didn’t cooperate. We ducked into Old Towne Grill and Seafood Restaurant– the oldest family owned restaurant in Charleston. It was a combination of Greek and seafood. I got the fried shrimp and indulged some more!

The rain deterred us from wandering around too much that afternoon so we took our time getting ready for the wedding. Luckily, it cleared up just in time!
Boone Hall Plantation Mount Pleasant

We headed to Boone Hall Plantation and were in awe as we entered through iron gates and drove up a long driveway under arching trees. Words can not do this venue justice.. The bride and groom were also incredible beyond words. The minister knew them well which is always nice and the ceremony was perfect. The smiles on these two were from ear to ear as they walked back down the aisle together.

I have to admit, I always look at the groom the moment the bride walks down the aisle. I like seeing his reaction- and this groom did not disappoint!

Cotton Dock

The whole crew then headed to the Cotton Dock, another part of the plantation. Little touches at the reception made a big difference. There were torches lit as we walked down the path and a blazing fire in a fireplace upon our entrance. A live band kept everyone on their feet.

Unfortunately, my boyfriend was not feeling well and I made the mistake of checking my phone and had received some tragic news,  so we didn’t get to slow dance with each other- one of my favorite parts of weddings. We ducked out slightly early and crashed- I ordered a berry tart from room service before my head hit the pillow though! Nice way to cap off the night!

What do you love best about weddings?

Thanks to Cindy at Sleep Spin Research for my latest Liebster Award!

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